Thursday, February 19, 2015

WWE Main Event Recap/Review for Febuary, 17, 2015.

This Week's #WWE #MainEvent is taking place from the BB&T Center at Fort Lauder dale, FL
The former NXT tag tag team champions the Lucha Dragons kicks off tonight's #MainEvent.  Kalisto and Sin Cara are making  their #Mainevent debut.

The first match of the night is Lucha Dragons Kalisto and Sin Cara face Curtis Axel and Heath Slater in tag team action.

Kalisto controled the match for the match and Heath Slater came back and took out Kalisto and tags in Curtis Axel.  Axel goes after Kalisto  and gives him a head to the head.  He tags back in Heath Slater.  Heath is in control for a minutes and tags in Curtis Axel.  Curtis Axel takes a near fall from Kalisto and tags in heath back and heath contines too pounds on Kalisto.

Health Slater gives a knee to Kalisto and gets a near fall.   Heath tags in Curtis Axel and Health chants Lucha Lucha.  Curtis Axel tags in Curtis and Heath forces on Kalisto's head by applying a head move.

Kalisto  eblows Heath a few times and rolls over and manages to tag in Sin Cara Finally.  Sin Cara goes to the top rope and takes out slater. 

Sin Cara jumps on the middle rope and takes out heath slater.  Sin Cara blasted Curtis Axel off the ring apron and Curtis Axel goes flying out side.  Sin Cara jumps on the middle rope again and takes out Heath slater with a moon sault and Heath Slater and Curtis Axel breaks up the count.  Curtis Axel throws

Kalisto out side the ring and Sin Cara then disposes Curtis Axel and throws him out side the ring.  Heath Slater jumps to attack Sin Cara and Sin cara makes a quick tag.  Sin Cara lifts up Heath Slater while Kalisto goes to the top rope and takes out Heath slater with a cork screw type of move to take out Heath Slater and Kalisto covers Heath Slater to pick up the 1 2 3.   Kalisto  and Sin Cara, The Lucha Dragons win their debut match on #MainEvent tonight.

They show highlights from this past Monday on #RAW when the "Nature Boy" Ric Flair confronts Triple h and both of them exchange words too each other.  Triple h said Ric Flair says he is no trple h.  With out a question of a doubt, Ric Flair is the greatest world heavyweight champion in professional wrestling.  Ric Fliar then says when i  watch Fast lane this Sunday night, I don't want you sitting on your ass again like he was last Monday. 

Triple h then shoves Ric Fliar and knocks him over. Triple H then says if some one stands between me and this company, I'm going too kick their ass and at fast lane, i promise you, if he goes on his on or i beat it out of him, sting will never show his face here again.

Well we will see about that. They show hightlights from Gold Dust's and Star Dust match against The New day (Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods) and Kofi Kingston and Xavier wods picked up the win. After their match, Star Dust plants his own borther,Gold Dust with the "Dark Matter". After that Star Dust goes facve to face with to his father Dusty Rhodes backstage and gives some harsh words to his father and mentions Cody Rhodes is dead and soap is his father.  

                                         Your next match on is Star Dust vs  Zack Ryder. 

Star Dust controls the match from the very star and lifts up Zack Ryder in mid air and surplexes Zack face first into the mat.  Star Dust then applies a hold submission move to Zack Ryder.  Zack Ryder tries to fight out of the hold and breaks it. 

Star Dust hits Zack and swings Ryder to the rope. Zack Ryder swings on the rope and Star Dust puts his head down only too get a face buster from Zack Ryder.  Star Dust gets up and runs into the corner only to get a double knee from Zack Ryder.  Zack Ryder goes to the top rope and missile drop kicks Star Dust.  Zack runs into the opposite side and Star Duat caught Zack in mid air with a elbow and takes down Zack Ryder.  Star Dust measures Zack Ryder and takes out  Zack with the "Dark Matter" to pick up the victory. 

Up next on #WWE #MainEcent,  John Cena Crushes Rusev this Past Monday on #RAW. 

They face highlights from last week when Rusev attacked John Cena and gives Cena a thumb to the eye.  He then drives Cena first first towards the led board. Then they showed highlights from this past Monday on #RAW. John Cena destroyed Rusev and crushed him.  He kicked Rusev a couple of times and picks up Rusev and drives Rusev face first towards the LED board just like Ruse did last week.  He pounds on Rusev and drives Rusev into the LED board again and stands tall over a beaten Rusev. 

Up next on #MainEvent, FanDango comes and dances with the rose buds, the (exotic express). 

Your next match on #MainEvent is Adam Rose with the Exotic Express vs Titus O'Neil

Adam Roses goes after Titus O'Neil from the first and chops Titus on the chest and swings him on the ropes and Titus counters and swings Adam Rose towards the topes and kicks Adam Rose in the head and knocks him over.   Titus O'Neil then chops Adam Rose and picks up Adam Rose.   

Adam Rose counters and swings on the rope only to get knocked down from Titus.  Adam Rose takes a time out and goes out the side the ring for a little breather.  Adam Rose looks like his heading towards the backstage.

Titus goes out side the ring and drags Adam Rose back into the ring.   Two of the rose buds, one with Purple hair and the other with a red hat with Green hair pull Titus's legs and TItus breaks free and goes after Adam Rose. and attacks him in the corner.

The two rose Ruds enter the ring and attack Titus and more Rose Buds come into the ring and in the ring.  The Referee calls for the ball.  More rose buds attack Titus O'Neil. Darren Young comes out of no where and starts attacking the Rose Buds.  Titus finally gets back to his feet and taks out the guy with the green hair and Darren Young gives gut buster to one of the Rose Buds.

The Prime time players reunite Darren Young and stand tall. At least for tonight on #MainEvent

Winner by DQ Titus O'Neil

Up next on #MainEvent, #WWEFastLane revs up.  The Rivial between Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan is started too heat up.

Now on #MainEvent, they show a #RAW Rebound.  Daniel Bryan came out  during Roman Reigns match with Kane and commented during Reigns match.  Roman Reigns totally dominated Kane althrough the match.  Kane Gives a giant boot to Romand and knocks him out of the ring.  Kane disambles the #RAW set but it backfires.  Roman shoves Kane and spears him.  Roman rolls in the ring and the ref counts out Kane.

 Daniel then gets up and starts chanting YES YES YES and cheers for Roman.  In the main event on #RAW, The Big Show pounds on Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns likes that.  I didn't.

 Big Show lifts up Daniel Bryan and Daniel counters and applies a sleep hold to the big show.  Roman Reigns than gets up, signs a a lucky fan's sign and takes a selfie with a fan.  Daniel Bryan holds to the big show's head and toses out the big show outside the ring.

 Roman Reigns then throws out free swag to the fans. Daniel Bryan lauches him self towards the ropes and goes flying outside only to get caught from the big show.

Daniel Bryan counters and drives the big show towards the ring post.  Daniel kicks the big show and the big shows shoves Daniel towards Roman Reigns and Roman Reigns and Daniel stair down.  Daniel moves and the big show spears Roman Reigns.
Daniel Bryan is on the top rope.  Roman Reigns comes in the ring and Super man punches the big show. Ref calls for the ball.    Daniel Bryan jumps from the top rope and drop kicks Roman Reigns and Reigns comes outside the ring.  Roman Reigns then goes back in the ring and attacks Daniel Bryan.  #WWE Officals  break it up and Daniel Bryan attacks Daniel Bryan.  #WWEFastLane has came earlier. 

        Now it's time for the #MainEvent .  The Real American Jack Swagger faces Cesaro


Jack Swagger starts off the match and applies a arm hold too Cesaro. Jack Swagger then gives Cesaro a belly to belly to take out Cesaro.  Swagger holds and Cesaro manages too move out the side to take a little break.  Tyson Kidd gives Cesaro some advise and Cesaro get's back into the ring.   Cesaro and Jack Swagger square off with each other and get's things together and Cesaro goes out side the ring again and chants    "We The People.
 Cesaro goes back into the ring ad applies a head lock to Jack Swagger and Jack Swagger counters and takes out Cesaro and get's  2 count on Cesaro.

  Cesao and Jack Swagger lock up again and Swagger holds on to Cesaro and Cesaro breaks the hold and starts pounding on Jack Swagger.  Cesaro then gives a couple of upper cuts to Jack Swagger.  Cesaro swings Swagger and Swager counters and catches Jack  Swagger from mid air and applies the "Patriot lock" and Cesaro reaches to the bottom rope and Swagger breaks up the hold.   Swagger than clothlines Cesaro over the rope and Cesaro lands outside the ring.                                                    

Jack Swagger goes out side the ring and chases down the Swiz Super man, Cesaro an both of them go back ino the ring.   Cesaro has the referee distacted and Tyson Kidd grabs hold of Jack Swagger's tights.   Swagger looks at Tyson and Cesaro blasts Swgger with a huge upper cut.
Cesaro than lauches Jack Swagger and throws him between the middle ropes and Cesaro falls out side the ring.  Cesaro takes control as #MainEvent takes his final commerical break.  Cesaro goes to the top rope and takes out Jack Swagger from the top rope as #MainEvent returns from commerical break.  Cesaro applies a hold and Jack Swagger tries to break free but get's clothslined from Cesaro and Swagger kicks out of 2. 

Cesaro than starts  clubbing Jack Swagger and hits him on the side of the head a few times.   Cesaro than forces on Swagger's arm and applies a arm hold.   Jack Swagger manages to break the hold and get's back to his feet but Cesaro gives a germn surplex to Jack Swager.  Cesaro gives Swagger another German Surplex.

Cesaro stands up and tries to give me a third German but Swagger kicks out and Applies the "Patriot lock" to Cesaro  and Cesaro kicks out.   Cesaro goes out side the ring and uses the top rope to his advange and the top rope hits Swagger in the face.  Cesaro get back on the ring apron and  Cesaro goes to the top rope.  Cesaro goes flying into Jack Swagger's arms and gives Cesaro0 a belly too belly.  Both men are down.  Jack Swagger chop blocks Cesaro and takes him down.  Swagger runs to the corner and gives a knee too Cesaro and throws Cesaro intro the other corner and Cesaro goes towards Jack Swagger and get's clothslined.

Jack Swagger taunts and ends a sigle to Cesaro that he wants too end the match.  Swagger waits untll Cesaro gets up .  When Swagger Swagger says "We The People" Tyson Kidd distracts Jack Swagger.  Swagger looks back and kicks Cesaro with both feet and knocks down Cesaro .  Swagger jumps from the bottom rope and delievers a "Swagger bomb" to Cesaro.

 Cesaro kicks out from a 2 count.  Jack Swagget tries to roll over Cesaro and apply the "Patriot Lock" for a third time and Cesaro breaks it up and kicks Swagger's jaw.   Swagger runs towards Cesaro and Cesaro elbows Swagger.

Cesaro goes to the top rope and Jack Swagger catches Cesaro in Mid Air.  Cesaro counters and rolls up Jack Swagger and Swagger kciks out of 2.

 Cesaro double foot stomps Swagger and Jack Swagger has the engry to get up  and applies the "Patriot lock" for a third time to Cesaro.  Cesaro tries to  crawl and reach the bottom rope.   Jack Swagger manages to break the hold and sends Jack Swagger flying out of the ring. 

Swagger goes on up of the ring apron and Swagger head butts Cesaro into the gut. Swagger counters and flips him self into the ring. Cesaro then counters and holds on the ropes as the referee counts but the ref catches Cesaro in the act and ref breaks up the pin attepmt.

Cesaro argues with the ref while Swagger comes out of no where and knocks Tyson Kidd off the ring apron.   Cesaro  hits Swagger and natrlizes  Jack Swagget to pick up the victory.    

            Tyson KIDD, Cesaro and Natalya stand tall as #MainEvent ends this week. 

Follow @BlackBeardGuy and @BlackBeardWWE on Twitter for live #RAW and #SmackDown tweets. 

Friday, February 13, 2015

WWE Main Ecent Recap for Feb 10, 2015

This week's WWE Mainevent takes from Dayton Ohio.  The Ascension kicks off the show. They talk about those former Hall of framers are  old forts are irrelevant jokes and their the past. The Ascension are the past, the present and the future.  Welcome to the waste land. Give me a break. They only
faced local jobbers, they need too prove them self's too me.

The first match of the night is The Ascension faces two local jobbers and one of them looks like a Carlito look alike.

 The Ascension dominates the match and they finishes off  the guy who looks like Carlito with the "Fall of man" to pick up the 1 2 3. 

They show Triple h's promo from last Monday on #RAW and highlights when Sting interfered with tin team, authority's match at Survivor series and Sing came back at
the #RAWReunion and he sticked it too the authority again. John Cena won and got Dolph Ziggler, Erick Rowan and Ryback's jobs back.  Last Monday on #RAW the ICON known
as Sting accepted Triple h's challenge. 

Up next on Main Event is a Divas match.  Namoi took on Natalya.  I love it and i love Natalya's new hairdo by the way 

They Showed a clip from Natalya,Tyson Kidd, Naomi and Jon's dinner date which aired on smack down last night.  I love the  Naomi's new ring attire looks sexy and Natalya's
new ring attire looks beautiful as well.

This is a even match up so far.  Natalya and Naomi exchange a few head lock moves.  And Natalya applies a abdominal stretch and Naomi reserves it and does it to Natalya.

Natalya kicks out and counters with a move to Naomi. Naomi is on the top rope and Natalya is back of her. Naomi screams out, should i? She then wiggles her butt into Natalya's face.  Natalya sakes it off and Natalya plants Naomi to the mat and Naomi ends up doing the splits.

Natalya gets a few near ends and Naomi get's a near fall.  She then rolls up Natalya in a small package to pick up the 1 2 3.  This wasn't a very entertaining divas match but i always enjoy watching Natalya in action.  Natalya and Naomi hug ikg out and they boogie down in the ring.

              John Cena and Rusev's Road block from this past Monday on #RAW is still to come

Next on #MainEvent, Controversy Reigns.  They show a #RAW rebound which featured the Daniel Bryan & Roman Reigns tag team match against The Big Show
and Kane. Daniel Bryan tired to save Roman Reigns but Kane ducked and Daniel Bryans gave a running knee to Roman Reigns. If you ask me, i thought it was
just accident. After that night on Mainevent, Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan faced The Big Show, Kane, Seth Rollins, and J&J security.

Daniel Bryan cleared was in complete control of the match and Roman Reigns talked him self in and speared Joey Mercury to pick up the win. Daniel pushes Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan shoves Roman then Roman Reigns gave a spear to Daniel Bryan as #RAW came to a end and the the authority liked that. 

Up next on #MainEvent, They showed highlights of what happened last Monday on on #RAW when Rusev and Lana gave their homage and appreciation too John Cena but it was just a big trap. 
John Cena came out and said this "Old man" is going too kick your ass.

Rusev charges out of the ring and John Cena comes too attack Rusev and they went too battle. John Cena exchanged a few blows but Rusev picked him up and slammed him on the ramp. And John Cena exchanged a few blows.

 He picks up Rusev after and slams the big Russian on the ramp. Rusev then gave Cena a thumb to his injured eye and Rusev picks him up and slams Cena into the RAW Sign in front of the entrance.  Rusev slaps Cena a few times until #WWE officials break it up. Because of that, Cena' injuries were exacerbated.

             The Main Event of the night is Sin Cara faced Cesaro.  This truly was a main event match

Cesaro controlled the match in the first few minutes of the match.  Sin Cara came back and preformed a few hold moves too Cesaro and Sin Cara throws Cesaro to the out side with a hurricanrana. Sin Cara then launches himself but lands on the ring apron when Cesaro moves out of harm's way.  Cesaro takes a small breather out side the ring as Main Event takes a commercial break. Cesaro and Sin Cara are back in the ring when #MainEvent returns to commercial break.

Cesaro has Sin Cara Down but Sin Cara gets a few near falls on Cesaro. Sin Cara flips Cesaro to the other side of the ring. Sin Cara runs towards Cesaro but Cesaro moves out of the way and Sin Cara goes head first into the ring post. Cesaro throws Sin Cara and his shoulder hits the ring post. Cesaro then throws Sin Cara's shoulder towards the ring buckle and tries to turn this match around. 
Sin cara is down. Cesaro forces on Sin Cara's arms. Sin Cara's turns it out when he goes on top of cesaro and flips him over but Cesaro kicks out.

Cesaro then covers Sin Cara and Sin Cara kicks out. Cesaro then pounds on Sin Cara's chest and wears down Sin Cara's arms and flings him out the ring.  Cesaro goes out the ring and hits Sin Cara's arm on the barricade. And throws him into the arm and gets a near fall.  Cesaro than wears down Sin Cara's arms again.  Sin Car flips over Cesaro again and gets a near fall.

Cesaro gives a massive upper cut to Sin Cara on the top rope and Sin Cara falls to the out side. Sin Cara launches him self and lands on Sin Cara. He then launches Cesaro towards the barricade. 

Sin Cara beats the ref's 10 count and takes back to the win and get's a near near. Cesaro goes back and wears Sin Cara's shoulder again. Sin Cara get's a near fall.  Cesaro gives Sin Cara a gut wrench surplex and Sin Cara kicks out.  Cesaro goes back and wears Sin Cara's Shoulder again as Main Event takes its final break. Main Event returns and Cesaro is in commend. Sin Cara swings on the top rope and flips over Cesaro and Cesaro kicks out.

Cesaro towards Sin Cara but Sin Cara ducks and launches Cesaro out side the ring with his two legs.  Sin Cara than runs towards the tops and drives out side the out side the ring and takes out Cesaro.
 Sin Cara goes to the top rope and takes out Cesaro and gets a near fall over Cesaro.  Sin Cara gets another near fall over Cesaro.

Sin Cara swings Cesaro and Sin Cara applies a submission hold to Cesaro. Cesaro manages to reach
the bottom hold and the hold is broke. Cesaro uses the top rope to his advantage and hits Sin Cara's arms.
Cesaro than goes to the top rope.  Sin Cara then goes to the rope. Sin Cara counters Cesaro's move and gives a hurricanrana to Cesaro from the top rope.

Sin Cara gets hypnotherapy near fall over Cesaro. Sin Cara then goes to the top rope and Cesaro bangs on the top rope and knocks Sin Cara off the top rope. 

Cesaro upper cuts Sin Cara on the top rope. Cesaro goes to the top rope but gets knocked out from Sin Cara. Sin tries to go for a swan bomb but gets a massive upper cut from Cesaro and Cesaro finishes off Cesaro with a Neutralizer to pick up the 1 2 3.  What a match.  This was one of the best matches i seen on main event this year. 

                      Cesaro grows and taunts with the fans as #MainEvent comes to a end.

Thanks for reading. Follow @BlackbeardGuy @BlackBeardWWE for #RAW, Smack Down and #WWE related tweets.


Thursday, February 5, 2015

WWE Main Event Recap for 2.3.15

Welcome to BlackBeard's WWE Main Event Recap for 2/3/2015 with pictures

This week's Main event is taking place from Colorado Springs, CO.

                            The Intercontinental champion kicks Bad New Barrett the show.

They Showed highlights of Dean Ambrose calling out Bad New Barrett from this past monday on raw.  Dean Ambrose wants a intercontinental title match. 

The First match of the night is  Bad New Barrett vs Sin Car.  A few weeks ago, Sin Cara actually best him so who knows whats going too happen. 

Sin Cara controlled the match from the start when he jumped from the top rope but BNB came back and did a few submission holds to Cara.  Sin Cara back but when he went flying out of the ring, Bad New Barrett kicked and Bad New Barrett controlled the match as main event went to a commercial break.  Back from commercial, Bad New Barnett kept on wearing out Sin Cara.  BNB keeps applying submission holds to Sin Cara and Sin Cara comes back and side kicks BNB to the side of his head. Both men are down.  Sin Cara goes for a couple of hand spring back elbows to BNB and Bnb kicks out for a pin.  Sin Cara slams BNB to the mat and goes for Swan and misses.  BNB goes for one of this moves to Sin Cara and Sin Cara kicks out.  Bad New Barrett measures for the Bull Hammer but Sin Cara counters for a pin and BNB kicks out.  Sin Cara goes for another hand spring and he comes empty and both men fall to the match. Sin Cara was going for a Hurricanran but BNB kicks him and plants Sin Cara face first into the turn buckle. He then delivers a massive Bull Hammer to Sin Cara to pick up the 1 2 3.  Winner Bad New Barrett

Next on Main Event, It's time for Diva's action. Summer Rae faces Brie Bella with the Divas champion Nikki Bella.

Summer Rae and Brie Bella shuffled with each other in the first few minutes of the match and Brie got couple of near and Summer Rae kicks out.  Brie Bella applies a submission hold to Summer Rae and let's go after.  Brie Bella goes outside and glows for awhile and comes back to the ring.  Summer Rae gets back into the match and attacks Brie but not for long. Brie finishes off Summer Rae by giving her a Bella Buster to pick up the 1 2 3.  

Up next on Main Event is a Raw Rebound.  they showed  The Authority's "Big Announcement" from This past Monday on Raw. Which was Daniel Bryan would face Seth Rollins late that night.  Daniel Bryan beats Seth Rollins in a awesome match and he will face Roman Reigns at WWE Fast Lane. The winner of that match will face the Beast Incarnate Brock  Lesner for the WWE Wold Championship at Wrestlemania 31. 

The next match of Main Event was The Ascension vs two local jobbes who i didn't know.  


The Ascension controlled the match from the very start. Viktor started out the match and he made a tag to Konnor. They then team up and take the local jobber down.  The Local jobber fights back but Viktor  slaps him to the canvas.  He tags in Konnor and they double team the jobber and they finish him off by planting him with the "Fall of man" to pick up the victory.  Winner The Ascension 

The future match on Main Event was The New Day Big E and Kofi Kingston  with Xavier Woods vs Cesaro and Tyson KIDD with Natalya

They showed high lights of Cesaro's match with Jey from this Last Monday which Cesaro won.

Big E dominates the match from the start and Cesaro tags in and the legal man are Kofi and Cesaro.  Kofi had a near fall over Cesaro. Kofi tags in Big E and get's a near fall. They go out side the ring for a few minutes and come back and Big e lifts up Cesaro and plants him to the mat.  Big E throws out Cesaro out side the ring and Tyson KIDD comes in the ring and get's throw to the outside from Big E.  Big e tags in Kofi and Kofi launches him self over the rope and takes out Tyson KIDD and Cesaro.  Kofi Kingston and Big are in control as Main Event takes it's final break.

Big E lifts up Tyson KIDD and Cesaro comes out of no where and chop blocks Big E.  Cesaro then attacks Big E's big legs.  Cesaro tags in Tyson KIDD and Tyson goes after Big E's legs.  Tyson still goes after Big E's legs and Tyson Distracts the referee and hits Big E.  Tyson Kidd then goes after the legs again and finally tags in Cessaro . Cesaro goes after Big E's legs again for awhile and tags in Tyson KIDD. Tyson focuses on Big E's legs again. 

 He shortly after tags in Cesaro and Cesaro goes to the top rope and plants Cesaro awhile Tyson KIDD is holding Big e. Cesaro then tags in Big E.  Tyson goes to the corner and out no where get's planted in mid air from Big e.  Big E crawls and tags in Kofi.  Tyson Kidd managed to tag in Cesaro and Tyson KIDD kicks cesaro but Cesaro tries go for the Cesaro swing and fails.  

 Kofi goes for a sun set flip from out side the ring and Cesaro puts his feet on the bottom top and Kofi goes for the SOS to Cesaro and gets a near fall.   Tyson Kidd takes out the injury knee of Xavier Woods. Big E comes in and takes out Tyson Kidd. Tyson Kidd rolls to the apron.  Tyson gives a spin kick to the side of Kofi's head and out no where, Cesaro delivers a devastating Upper Cut to Kofi Kingston to pick up the 1 2 3. Cesaro and Tyson Kidd win.  

Cesaro, Tyson KIDD and Natalya celebrate their huge win as Main Events ends.  

Follow @blackbeardguy and @blackbeardwwe for #RAW #SmackDown and #FridayNightImpact tweets. Thanks for reading my blog.